Tag Archives: process improvement

Lean Six Sigma Traps to Avoid to stay alive in business

Source: mhlnews.com Article written by: Tom Andel   Just the phrase “Six Sigma” or “lean manufacturing” or “lean distribution” can make many people’s eyes roll. Mention “black belts,” “jidoka” or the “gemba” and they will stifle a yawn or let out a derisive laugh. Such are the reactions of those who’ve experienced all of the pitfalls and none of the rewards associated

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What is the PRICE of “#waste?” The second example is my favourite one!

For me the word WASTE, it is the refuse filling up my trash cans or littering the streets. For the purpose of this blog, “waste” is something quite different. Look around your organization. What activities do you see that are ineffective, unproductive, excessive or unnecessary? That is waste. And there is plenty more that’s not so obvious in your distribution

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You must see with your ears and you eyes

Generally speaking, most companies are pretty good at getting out and rubbing elbows with customers to conduct the kind of ethnographic research that involves watching customers in their user habitat. The challenge that all of them have is turning their observations into insights that produce a new strategy and competitive advantage. Some are better than others at it, of course,

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Assembly Plant of the year 2015

The #AssemblyPlantoftheYear award was initiated in 2004 to showcase world-class production facilities in America, and the people, products and processes that make them successful. All manufacturers that assemble products in the United States are invited to nominate their plants. Unlike many other awards, there is no entry fee. The Assembly Plant of the Year award is sponsored by ASSEMBLY Magazine. The goal of the Assembly Plant of

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#Toyota Unveils Revamped #Manufacturing #Process

A great article by YOKO KUBOTA TOYOTA CITY, Japan—Toyota Motor Corp. broke a two-year silence on a revamped manufacturing process—built on sharing components among vehicles—that the world’s best-selling auto maker says will produce half its vehicles by 2020 and slash costs. But its unveiling follows a path blazed in recent years by German rival Volkswagen AG—a reversal for the Japanese pioneer,

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