Tag Archives: news

Lean Six Sigma Traps to Avoid to stay alive in business

Source: mhlnews.com Article written by: Tom Andel   Just the phrase “Six Sigma” or “lean manufacturing” or “lean distribution” can make many people’s eyes roll. Mention “black belts,” “jidoka” or the “gemba” and they will stifle a yawn or let out a derisive laugh. Such are the reactions of those who’ve experienced all of the pitfalls and none of the rewards associated

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How to program a robot in less than 2 mins

IndustryWeek Technology Editor Travis Hessman put Ed Mullen, Universal Robots national sales manager, on the spot, asking for a live demonstration of how to program the company’s latest robot. It took Mullen less than two minutes to complete a demonstration. How long would it take for an operator to learn? “Five minutes,” asserts Mullen. Do you want to share your

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