Tag Archives: kaizen

“I collaboratori non sono vasi da riempire, ma fiaccole da accendere.”

  Bruno Fabiano è Partner Kaizen Institute Italia  BARATSUKI È UN TERMINE GIAPPONESE che significa più o meno “dispersione”. Un esempio di baratsuki è facilmente ottenibile se immaginiamo di prendere una manciata di noccioline, le lanciamo in aria e osserviamo come si dispongono una volta cadute a terra. Il termine descrive molto bene la situazione in cui si ritrovano diverse

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The #Kata of Leader #Development

A great article written by Mark Rosenthal  (TheLeanThinker.com) I’ve been parsing Turn the Ship Around to better understand David Marquet’smessage from his experience as captain of the USS Santa Fe (SSN 763), a Los Angeles Class nuclear powered attack submarine. And I’ve been promising to link his concepts back to Toyota Kata. So now I’m going to try to do that.

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Increasing needs of Kaizen in Pharma Industry

This is an interesting article romoted by THE KAIZEN INSTITUTE INDIA. Increasing cost pressures, rising competition, country specific approval procedures, losses in sales due to expiring patents, etc. are few of the hurdles faced by organizations in pharmaceuticals industry. Research shows that most of the organizations have adopted or implemented Kaizen/ Lean/ Operational Excellence, however more than 50% have not

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Six Sigma, Lean or Kaizen? That is the question

For more than a decade, publications such as Fortune, Business Week and hundreds of books have stressed the human side of change, infrastructure, customer focus, boundaryless and learning organizations, innovation and out-of-box thinking, and cultural transformation. Executives continue to send their employees off to Six Sigma, Lean, or Kaizen boot camps to learn the tools, but they are often disappointed

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