Tag Archives: change

“I collaboratori non sono vasi da riempire, ma fiaccole da accendere.”

  Bruno Fabiano è Partner Kaizen Institute Italia  BARATSUKI È UN TERMINE GIAPPONESE che significa più o meno “dispersione”. Un esempio di baratsuki è facilmente ottenibile se immaginiamo di prendere una manciata di noccioline, le lanciamo in aria e osserviamo come si dispongono una volta cadute a terra. Il termine descrive molto bene la situazione in cui si ritrovano diverse

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Article written by Girish K C To drive change in any organization, the key decision makers need to really know how the organization is functioning today. This may appear to be a given, because almost everybody think they know how the organization currently operates. However, most of this knowledge is unspoken; it exists only as perceived attitudes and assumptions that are

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Is your company ready and willing to accept #change?

Article written by Alec Cook Are your employee’s ready to accept your changes into their working roles? More importantly, if they are not, how do you motivate them to accept it? These are two questions that organizational development and change researchers have been studying for years and I believe I have found an answer. Employee acceptance to change involves two fundamental

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Value Stream Mapping: Ferrari or Pinto?

Good article written by Karen Martin  President The Karen Martin Group, Inc.   Mike Osterling and I decided to write our latest book, Value Stream Mapping,  to deepen people’s understanding about this powerful improvement methodology. In particular, we wanted to help the many organizations that: Remain unfamiliar with the practice Underutilize the method Misuse the tool Notice that I refer to value stream mapping

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Why choose it to reduce cost

This is a great article written by Mr Steven Skinner   Managing Director at BTO Group Pty Ltd   The integration of Lean Six Sigma is one of the most effective methods for consistently improving cost, speed, and quality, with broad success across all industries, not just manufacturing. It’s fast, delivering substantive results literally in a manner of weeks. It’s efficient, delivering exceptional

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Transformational Leadership: Inspiring to Change

Say the word “leader” and most of us envision a knight-like figure charging headlong, inspiring his troops and generally leading from the front. That’s the dramatized version of a special type of leadership called “Transformational Leadership”. Transformational leadership is probably the ideal interpretation of leadership, and the most romanticized. Leaders of this kind are visionaries, full of enthusiasm and boundless

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