Lean6Sigma4all Staff has personally read and selected some books we think can help you on your daily work but also your life!
If you want to advise other books or give your feedback please write to: contact@lean6sigma4all.eu

Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum (Mike Cohn)

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Lean Six Sigma for Service: How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions (DIGITAL VERSION)

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Lean Six Sigma for Service provides an overview of how to implement lean and six sigma projects in service organisations. The book is clearly written and includes loads of case studies and covers issues such as the challenges faced in implementation; setting up the project; how your project teams should work; the importance of leadership commitment; and so on. It gives a high level overview of the challenges and requirements for success. For a book with “six sigma” in the title there is very little statistical detail. This makes is suitable for the novice, though a weakness for me is the lack detail of the tools and how to use them. You will need other books for that. Interestingly, most of the case studies emphasise the importance of using lean tools when getting started.

The Six Sigma Handbook, Revised and Expanded: The Complete Guide for Greenbelts, Blackbelts and Managers at All Levels (DIGITAL VERSION)


 51fbx+k4FJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_  € 9.99  Add to Cart   51fbx+k4FJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ € 82.13 compare

This is a well written book on the subject of Six Sigma and Lean principles. This book is not for the faint hearted, but if you are a qualified Black belt or Master Black Belt, this is an excellent reference book. If you have not had any formal Black belt training, then perhaps there are other books available that can show you how the tool set is applied more effectively. If you want the deep understanding of statistics and how formulas are derived, then this is the Six Sigma book for you. Worth the money if you definitely want to spend all the time plowing through it.

Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum (DIGITAL VERSION)

 51be-HND+DL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_  € 4.99 Add to Cart   51be-HND+DL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_  €33.18 compare

This book is an amazing collection of practices within lean & agile (and Scrum). While targeting scaling, these are valuable for single site users too. These are very practical slices from many projects with many applicable components. The wide array of experiments that Craig and Bas have collected here is of tremendous value, and done in a way that is not imposing their solutions on any other context. The strong message is to facilitate the teams to consider what works for them, whether it be these ideas, variants, or something else entirely. These often include WHY they an idea was successful or not, which greatly helps in understanding how it might fit in a given context. If you’re serious about using lean and agile concept.

Shigeo Shingo: A Study of the Toyota Production System (.pdf)

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There are a lot of books about the Toyota Production System, but this is one of the most useful for those actually attempting to implement elements of this system. Most of the books on TPS by western authers are just superficial glosses written by MBA’s who don’t seem to have a clue how to make anything. This book is detailed, specific, clearly written, and very well translated. Some of the material is repetative, nevertheless this is the book to get on TPS.

Shigeo Shingo was the mastermind behind the Toyota Production System, constantly experimenting and thinking on how to improve. The result was an approach that significantly reduced required inventories (and their associated costs and losses), improved quality, and reduced throughput time.

Delivering Successful Projects With Tsp And Six Sigma (FREE)

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This book demonstrates in a very practical and pragmatic way exactly how to integrate concepts from proven techniques like mistake-proofing, six sigma, and team software process (TSP) into the real-world of software development projects.
Mukesh Jain includes examples of strategies for troubleshooting and overcoming obstacles, collecting and analyzing data, setting suitable goals and refining process improvements. You’ll find a lot of helpful advice for dealing with resistance to change.
The tone strikes a suitable balance between academic information, philosophical approach, practical techniques, and coaching.

Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise

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We need better approaches to understanding and managing software requirements, and Dean provides them in this book. He draws ideas from three very useful intellectual pools: classical management practices, Agile methods, and lean product development. By combining the strengths of these three approaches, he has produced something that works better than any one in isolation.

This book will help you leverage the benefits of Agile without sacrificing the value of effective requirements discovery and analysis. You’ll find proven solutions you can apply right now-whether you’re a software developer or tester, executive, project/program manager, architect, or team leader.