Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s the difference between Executive Coaching and Lean Coaching?

This is not an easy question to answer because there are as many different interpretations of the word “coaching” as there are coaches. The difference is that Lean Coaching is a direct teaching method, whereas, what we have encountered in organizations as coaching is more of a self-discovery and feedback method. The main difference is content. Lean Coaching is not

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The biggest challenge: Reduce attrition!

Attrition is the biggest obstacle in the functioning of any organization So all HR Professionals should take it very seriously  as it directly affects their very profile. Sometimes attrition is desirable to some extent for organization’s growth and development but in the span of an HR’s work the most challenging part is how to tackle with this situation before it becomes

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Amazing Benefits of Lean Organization in HealthCare by Marie Miguel

In the 1940s, Toyota executives aimed to ameliorate their manufacturing processes, it led them to come up with the famous Toyota Production System. Also known as “Lean organization” it was used by different manufacturing industries across the globe as a methodology to curb inefficiency and improve the quality of their products and services. The goal of lean organization is deemed

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VDS & Lean Value Solutions present “The Lean Oil & Gas Organization”-February 2016

Applying Lean Six Sigma Principles to the Oil & Gas Industry Course Overview Lean Six Sigma is a comprehensive approach to eliminating all forms of waste and defects from your business in order to maximize the value to customers and shareholders. Typically, Oil & Gas organizations that apply Lean Six Sigma principles enjoy higher profits, improved quality, higher on time

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Lean6Sigam4all & KPI Fire

We are glad to present our new sponsor KPI Fire! An innovative software to measure your Business Performance: Stop wasting time with reports and focus on what they’re reporting! Contact us to get your PROMOTION CODE for a software trial version>> You can also use the feedback form>>

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