Author Archives: lean6sigma4all

What’s the difference between Executive Coaching and Lean Coaching?

This is not an easy question to answer because there are as many different interpretations of the word “coaching” as there are coaches. The difference is that Lean Coaching is a direct teaching method, whereas, what we have encountered in organizations as coaching is more of a self-discovery and feedback method. The main difference is content. Lean Coaching is not

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The hidden costs of hot desking

It’s time to make way for the latest office trends: more collaboration spaces, telecommuting, and less personal space. You now have the chance to take advantage of the fact that over 30% of the EU workforces are not always in the office. The costs of moving to a new workplace design are now being offset by the savings from better

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7 Steps for Leading Lean with Respect for People

Without mastering these seven foundational behavioral skills, even with their heart in the right place, leaders fumble their presence at the Gemba and, consequently, feel disappointed by the bottom-line results they get from their lean efforts. With Lean Thinking, Jim Womack and Dan Jones ushered a true (and rare) revolution in management thinking: To deliver a superior order of performance, leaders

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The biggest challenge: Reduce attrition!

Attrition is the biggest obstacle in the functioning of any organization So all HR Professionals should take it very seriously  as it directly affects their very profile. Sometimes attrition is desirable to some extent for organization’s growth and development but in the span of an HR’s work the most challenging part is how to tackle with this situation before it becomes

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Amazing Benefits of Lean Organization in HealthCare by Marie Miguel

In the 1940s, Toyota executives aimed to ameliorate their manufacturing processes, it led them to come up with the famous Toyota Production System. Also known as “Lean organization” it was used by different manufacturing industries across the globe as a methodology to curb inefficiency and improve the quality of their products and services. The goal of lean organization is deemed

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“I collaboratori non sono vasi da riempire, ma fiaccole da accendere.”

  Bruno Fabiano è Partner Kaizen Institute Italia  BARATSUKI È UN TERMINE GIAPPONESE che significa più o meno “dispersione”. Un esempio di baratsuki è facilmente ottenibile se immaginiamo di prendere una manciata di noccioline, le lanciamo in aria e osserviamo come si dispongono una volta cadute a terra. Il termine descrive molto bene la situazione in cui si ritrovano diverse

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VDS & Lean Value Solutions present “The Lean Oil & Gas Organization”-February 2016

Applying Lean Six Sigma Principles to the Oil & Gas Industry Course Overview Lean Six Sigma is a comprehensive approach to eliminating all forms of waste and defects from your business in order to maximize the value to customers and shareholders. Typically, Oil & Gas organizations that apply Lean Six Sigma principles enjoy higher profits, improved quality, higher on time

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Lean Six Sigma Traps to Avoid to stay alive in business

Source: Article written by: Tom Andel   Just the phrase “Six Sigma” or “lean manufacturing” or “lean distribution” can make many people’s eyes roll. Mention “black belts,” “jidoka” or the “gemba” and they will stifle a yawn or let out a derisive laugh. Such are the reactions of those who’ve experienced all of the pitfalls and none of the rewards associated

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“Lean Vs Agile”: The winner is…

Aspect: Obsessed With Agile Is Obsessed With… The Agile manifesto is about people. It states that interactions between people and involving the end user are favored over other types of interactions. You can perform a lot of Agile practices, but if you’re not getting your end users involved, then you’re not doing Agile. Lean Is Obsessed With… Lean is really

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Lean Essentials Training in Phoenix Arizona

Lean Essentials Training – Phoenix Arizona Cedro Toro – President Lean Six Sigma Toolbox Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 8:30 AM – Friday, November 20, 2015 at 4:00 PM (MST) Phoenix, AZ Event Details Get Your Lean Essentials Certification  Join your peers in Phoenix for this powerful 2 day workshop that will help your team be more effective, eliminate waste, and save

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OSHA’s Tightening Rules for Temporary Workers

SOURCE: Manufacturers that use temporary employees, either through staffing agencies or subcontractors, should pay close attention to recent policy changes that could increase their safety and training obligations as joint employers. Farrah Fielder, general counsel for the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations, and Todd Logsdon, a partner at Fisher & Phillips in Louisville, talked about those changes and their implications at

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Motorola: Six Sigma Still Pays Off

“Six Sigma’s stamp is all over the Razr,” says Michael S. Potosky, Motorola’s corporate director of Six Sigma. Engineers, for instance, applied the process to the phone’s antenna, helping keep it hidden while maintaining call clarity. With hits like the Razr, the Schaumburg (Ill.) company has climbed from a 15.4% market share in mobile phones to 22.4% over the past

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Dell, Inc: Best Practices for Measuring the Success of Enterprise Testing

A good approach to measurement is provided by the Six Sigma framework, which describes four families of measures. These families are known as the PFQT measures, which detail the productivity (process), financials (cost), quality, and timeliness (schedule) of a project. An effective measurement strategy includes metrics that address these four areas. Click HERE to see the FULL Dell’s document.

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Accelerating Lean Productivity with Immersive Collaboration

Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) proposes an immersive, interactive virtual environment to overcome the challenges of time, distance, and limited resources. Through this robust, interactive environment, they were able to design new processes and make recommendations that resulted in a significant reduction of time to service customers and overall service costs. The leader of the lean event stated that

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What is the PRICE of “#waste?” The second example is my favourite one!

For me the word WASTE, it is the refuse filling up my trash cans or littering the streets. For the purpose of this blog, “waste” is something quite different. Look around your organization. What activities do you see that are ineffective, unproductive, excessive or unnecessary? That is waste. And there is plenty more that’s not so obvious in your distribution

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Value Driven Solutions presents “Lean Transformation MRO, Atlanta”

After the incredible success of the previous meeting in Miami, Value Driven Solutions is proud of announcing a new 3-day training session in ATLANTA! This course is taught by accredited Lean Master & Six Sigma Black Belt George Bowman. George is recognized as an innovative result driven leader focused on achieving exceptional results in highly competitive Global markets with over

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5-day Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training and Certification IASSC Black Belt class and IASSC Certification : September 2015 September 14th – 18th : The Quadrus Centre, South Tyneside, England September 21st – 25th : NH Hotel, Geneva Airport, Geneva, Switzerland Sign-up : 0191 375 5745 Contact Lean6Sigma4all Staff to get your 30% Discount on each training course!

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Scorecard and KPIs: if it cannot be measured, it cannot be managed!

From George Odiorne to Peter Drucker, the quote, “If you can’t measure something, you can’t manage it,” has been discussed, spoken, and written in many forms over the years. Regardless of how the quote is written, you need scorecards if you are to measure, manage, and improve your business, operations, and processes. This article will suggest that you should consider

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You must see with your ears and you eyes

Generally speaking, most companies are pretty good at getting out and rubbing elbows with customers to conduct the kind of ethnographic research that involves watching customers in their user habitat. The challenge that all of them have is turning their observations into insights that produce a new strategy and competitive advantage. Some are better than others at it, of course,

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Lean6Sigma4all interviews Mr Chuck Intrieri – Lean Consultant and blogger

As part of the Lean6Sigma4all platform we interview professionals who believe in sharing knowledge and want to make this project bigger. This week we have interviewed Mr Chuck Intrieri as a Supply Chain professional, recognized thought leader, innovator and partner in our project. Mr Intrieri explained also how he helped The Schwinn Bicycle Company implementing The Lean Six Sigma Methodology and saving $ 7/unit going to one

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Poka-Yoke at Starbucks IN Japan

This is the last solution Starbucks has come up with to prevent milk allergy incident in their shops in Japan. The following card reads:  “Please hand this card to our barista at the handoff. We sincerely serve our soymilk beverages to our customers by using this card to prevent milk allergy incident.” When you picked up the beverages, the barista made

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#Lean #Six Sigma is about more than tools. Your mindset first!

So much has been written about Lean Six Sigma. Practical information on how to implement Lean Six Sigma, especially in a small business is hard to come by. Tapping into the expertise of those who have walked this path is a great way to discover the secrets and pitfalls, mistakes to avoid when considering Lean Six Sigma for your business/organization. On Lean6Sigma4all

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Lean6Sigma4all is now sponsored by

We are extremely proud of announcing our new partnership with Mr Paul Brainard Founder of the the platform In just 2 hours with this training, you can master: Leading and continuously improving your operations. Empowering and motivating high performance employees. Continuous improvement of Sales, profit and cash flows. It is FREE!!! Mr Brainard accepted to sponsor the Lean6Sigma4all Project

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#Employees are not just numbers with a name

As we all know the health check of a #Production or #Operational #Process is its #performance against defined KPIs and targets. We speak daily about FTEs (Full time Equivalent), man-hours and process throughputs ,FTE savings, how we decrease man-hr per unit of finished product, how we can increase process throughput, etc. But often, not much attention is given to what

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#Lean But Not Mean!

Article written by ROBERT T. BURRUS, JR. – INTERIM DEAN , CAMERON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS In recent years, businesses have come under intense competitive pressure for several reasons. These reasons include globalization, recent credit crises and other economic upheavals, and the continued forward march of technology. Our research has shown that about 4 of every 10 businesses have turned to Lean

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Mary’s story:”If you quit too early, #Lean #SixSigma does not save you”

ARTICLE WRITTEN BY John Dyer – President, JD&A – Process Innovation Co. The example below may shed some light on why Lean and Six Sigma may not be living up to its full potential in your business. Mary stood outside of her new office looking at the nameplate on the door: Mary Jones, Plant Manager.  “Not bad for someone who started her career

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How companies hire a #Lean #SixSigma #Manager

As you know our goal as Lean6Sigma4all is to be the only matchmaking platform for every Lean Six Sigma professional and company that looks for the right consultant for its business. We are always looking for projects to publish developed by Lean Six Sigma consulting companies and professionals. These projects will be voted by the audience. By doing this we help

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Why #Lean Fails in Job Shops!

Article written by Greg Lane & Chet Marchwinski   Like many job shop owners, Greg Lane struggled with implementing lean principles. The problem was that the experiences and books that he, like other job-shop managers, had been exposed to were based on repetitive manufacturing. Job shops with their high-mix, low-volume product lineup present a challenge to lean thinkers — but not

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Bootstrap #Root #Cause #Analysis into Your Strategic Thinking

Article written by Jon Miller   I have had some interesting differences of opinion lately about if and how root cause analysis fits into an organization’s strategic planning. Both hoshin planning, the strategy deployment method practiced by Toyota and many other lean companies, and the practical problem solving method have common roots in TQM, Deming and the scientific method. The mainstream

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Article written by Girish K C To drive change in any organization, the key decision makers need to really know how the organization is functioning today. This may appear to be a given, because almost everybody think they know how the organization currently operates. However, most of this knowledge is unspoken; it exists only as perceived attitudes and assumptions that are

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Is your company ready and willing to accept #change?

Article written by Alec Cook Are your employee’s ready to accept your changes into their working roles? More importantly, if they are not, how do you motivate them to accept it? These are two questions that organizational development and change researchers have been studying for years and I believe I have found an answer. Employee acceptance to change involves two fundamental

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Developing a #Lean Culture: “Your people will watch your feet, not your lips”

Article written by Larry Rubrich – President of WCM Associates LLC Culture is a set of rules and standards shared by members of an organization, which – when acted upon by the members – produce behavior that falls within a range that the organization considers proper and acceptable. Culture is a learned process and is developed by the organization as a response

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Value Stream Mapping: Ferrari or Pinto?

Good article written by Karen Martin  President The Karen Martin Group, Inc.   Mike Osterling and I decided to write our latest book, Value Stream Mapping,  to deepen people’s understanding about this powerful improvement methodology. In particular, we wanted to help the many organizations that: Remain unfamiliar with the practice Underutilize the method Misuse the tool Notice that I refer to value stream mapping

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