Monthly Archives: November 2015

Lean Six Sigma Traps to Avoid to stay alive in business

Source: Article written by: Tom Andel   Just the phrase “Six Sigma” or “lean manufacturing” or “lean distribution” can make many people’s eyes roll. Mention “black belts,” “jidoka” or the “gemba” and they will stifle a yawn or let out a derisive laugh. Such are the reactions of those who’ve experienced all of the pitfalls and none of the rewards associated

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“Lean Vs Agile”: The winner is…

Aspect: Obsessed With Agile Is Obsessed With… The Agile manifesto is about people. It states that interactions between people and involving the end user are favored over other types of interactions. You can perform a lot of Agile practices, but if you’re not getting your end users involved, then you’re not doing Agile. Lean Is Obsessed With… Lean is really

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