Monthly Archives: August 2015

Value Driven Solutions presents “Lean Transformation MRO, Atlanta”

After the incredible success of the previous meeting in Miami, Value Driven Solutions is proud of announcing a new 3-day training session in ATLANTA! This course is taught by accredited Lean Master & Six Sigma Black Belt George Bowman. George is recognized as an innovative result driven leader focused on achieving exceptional results in highly competitive Global markets with over

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5-day Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training and Certification IASSC Black Belt class and IASSC Certification : September 2015 September 14th – 18th : The Quadrus Centre, South Tyneside, England September 21st – 25th : NH Hotel, Geneva Airport, Geneva, Switzerland Sign-up : 0191 375 5745 Contact Lean6Sigma4all Staff to get your 30% Discount on each training course!

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Scorecard and KPIs: if it cannot be measured, it cannot be managed!

From George Odiorne to Peter Drucker, the quote, “If you can’t measure something, you can’t manage it,” has been discussed, spoken, and written in many forms over the years. Regardless of how the quote is written, you need scorecards if you are to measure, manage, and improve your business, operations, and processes. This article will suggest that you should consider

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You must see with your ears and you eyes

Generally speaking, most companies are pretty good at getting out and rubbing elbows with customers to conduct the kind of ethnographic research that involves watching customers in their user habitat. The challenge that all of them have is turning their observations into insights that produce a new strategy and competitive advantage. Some are better than others at it, of course,

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Lean6Sigma4all interviews Mr Chuck Intrieri – Lean Consultant and blogger

As part of the Lean6Sigma4all platform we interview professionals who believe in sharing knowledge and want to make this project bigger. This week we have interviewed Mr Chuck Intrieri as a Supply Chain professional, recognized thought leader, innovator and partner in our project. Mr Intrieri explained also how he helped The Schwinn Bicycle Company implementing The Lean Six Sigma Methodology and saving $ 7/unit going to one

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