Monthly Archives: June 2015

#Lean #Six Sigma is about more than tools. Your mindset first!

So much has been written about Lean Six Sigma. Practical information on how to implement Lean Six Sigma, especially in a small business is hard to come by. Tapping into the expertise of those who have walked this path is a great way to discover the secrets and pitfalls, mistakes to avoid when considering Lean Six Sigma for your business/organization. On Lean6Sigma4all

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Lean6Sigma4all is now sponsored by

We are extremely proud of announcing our new partnership with Mr Paul Brainard Founder of the the platform In just 2 hours with this training, you can master: Leading and continuously improving your operations. Empowering and motivating high performance employees. Continuous improvement of Sales, profit and cash flows. It is FREE!!! Mr Brainard accepted to sponsor the Lean6Sigma4all Project

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#Employees are not just numbers with a name

As we all know the health check of a #Production or #Operational #Process is its #performance against defined KPIs and targets. We speak daily about FTEs (Full time Equivalent), man-hours and process throughputs ,FTE savings, how we decrease man-hr per unit of finished product, how we can increase process throughput, etc. But often, not much attention is given to what

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#Lean But Not Mean!

Article written by ROBERT T. BURRUS, JR. – INTERIM DEAN , CAMERON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS In recent years, businesses have come under intense competitive pressure for several reasons. These reasons include globalization, recent credit crises and other economic upheavals, and the continued forward march of technology. Our research has shown that about 4 of every 10 businesses have turned to Lean

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Mary’s story:”If you quit too early, #Lean #SixSigma does not save you”

ARTICLE WRITTEN BY John Dyer – President, JD&A – Process Innovation Co. The example below may shed some light on why Lean and Six Sigma may not be living up to its full potential in your business. Mary stood outside of her new office looking at the nameplate on the door: Mary Jones, Plant Manager.  “Not bad for someone who started her career

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How companies hire a #Lean #SixSigma #Manager

As you know our goal as Lean6Sigma4all is to be the only matchmaking platform for every Lean Six Sigma professional and company that looks for the right consultant for its business. We are always looking for projects to publish developed by Lean Six Sigma consulting companies and professionals. These projects will be voted by the audience. By doing this we help

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Why #Lean Fails in Job Shops!

Article written by Greg Lane & Chet Marchwinski   Like many job shop owners, Greg Lane struggled with implementing lean principles. The problem was that the experiences and books that he, like other job-shop managers, had been exposed to were based on repetitive manufacturing. Job shops with their high-mix, low-volume product lineup present a challenge to lean thinkers — but not

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Bootstrap #Root #Cause #Analysis into Your Strategic Thinking

Article written by Jon Miller   I have had some interesting differences of opinion lately about if and how root cause analysis fits into an organization’s strategic planning. Both hoshin planning, the strategy deployment method practiced by Toyota and many other lean companies, and the practical problem solving method have common roots in TQM, Deming and the scientific method. The mainstream

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Article written by Girish K C To drive change in any organization, the key decision makers need to really know how the organization is functioning today. This may appear to be a given, because almost everybody think they know how the organization currently operates. However, most of this knowledge is unspoken; it exists only as perceived attitudes and assumptions that are

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Is your company ready and willing to accept #change?

Article written by Alec Cook Are your employee’s ready to accept your changes into their working roles? More importantly, if they are not, how do you motivate them to accept it? These are two questions that organizational development and change researchers have been studying for years and I believe I have found an answer. Employee acceptance to change involves two fundamental

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Developing a #Lean Culture: “Your people will watch your feet, not your lips”

Article written by Larry Rubrich – President of WCM Associates LLC Culture is a set of rules and standards shared by members of an organization, which – when acted upon by the members – produce behavior that falls within a range that the organization considers proper and acceptable. Culture is a learned process and is developed by the organization as a response

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Value Stream Mapping: Ferrari or Pinto?

Good article written by Karen Martin  President The Karen Martin Group, Inc.   Mike Osterling and I decided to write our latest book, Value Stream Mapping,  to deepen people’s understanding about this powerful improvement methodology. In particular, we wanted to help the many organizations that: Remain unfamiliar with the practice Underutilize the method Misuse the tool Notice that I refer to value stream mapping

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The Role of the #Lean #Team in a Lean #Transformation

Article written by David Brunt At the annual Summit in November 2014, Terry O’Donoghue shared the remarkable Lean transformation story happening at the Halfway Group in South Africa. By starting with customer purpose (and then business purpose) Terry explains how the leadership team is simultaneously improving the value creating work whilst developing the people at the same time. You will hear

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How to Find a Good #Lean #Consultant

Article written by Christoph Roser –  Lean Expert Lean manufacturing is difficult. External expertise can help you in improving your business. However, the wrong consultant can at best have no effect, or worse damage your company, or at worst kill the company. Hence the consultant you hire will have a significant impact on the outcome of the project. This post will give

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